Enrollment Agreement
User Account Term: You have 30 days to complete this course. After 30 days your account will expire, and all information will be deleted from our files. Once you complete the course, your account may be deleted at any time.
Business Hours: Normal business hours are M - F, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (excluding Holidays). We may also be available and respond outside of normal business hours. If you have questions or issues, technical or otherwise, you should contact us IMMEDIATELY at 360-458-2240. We make every effort to answer calls when they come in, but it may be necessary to leave a message.
Who needs a permit? All persons involved in the sale and service of alcohol at on-premises establishments must have a MAST permit within 60 days of employment. This would include owners, managers, bartenders, and servers. For servers involved in alcohol tastings there is NO 60-day grace period from initial employment. They must be at least 21 years old and must have their Class 12 permit BEFORE they can serve at a tasting.
Which permit will I receive? When you complete the course, you will be issued a:
- Class 12 Mixologist Permit - if you are 21 years or older, or a
- Class 13 Servers Permit - if you are 18-20 years old
How long is the course? This course is required to be at least 3 hours long (excluding exam time) and must be completed in its entirety prior to taking the final exam.
Final Exam: The FINAL EXAM requires a passing score of at least 80% (32 correct out of 40 questions). You can retake the exam until you pass.
Course requirement: The course and final exam must be completed by the enrollee without any outside assistance or referring to notes. By enrolling in this course, you are acknowledging that you understand your permit may be invalidated if you do not complete the course and final exam on your own.
When will I get my permit? We are allowed up to 30 days to provide you with your official permit. While there are no guarantees, we try to mail permits every 12 to 14 business days.
Refund policy: We have a "no refund policy" once you begin the course. The only exception would be under emergent circumstances.
Verification of Completion: A "Verification of Completion" in the form of a "Certificate" will be available upon course completion. Your hard copy permit will be mailed to you.
Student Manual/Course Feedback: At the end of the course you will be given the option to give us some "feedback" in the form of an "Evaluation". You will also be given the option to download our Student Workbook to use as reference material.
Liquor Laws: It would be impossible to cover the details of all the liquor laws in a 3-hour curriculum. The following link will take you to the Current Laws and Rules page of the WA Liquor & Cannabis Board website.
Social Security Number: Don't have one? Call immediately and talk to Ken at 360-458-2240. This conversation must be in English. Why must we ask for a Social Security Number? See RCW 26.23.150. If you have additional questions you may contact the WSLCB: phone: 360-664-1727.
Warning: Non-custodial parents in arrears on child support payments, and not on a payment plan, may have their MAST permit suspended or invalidated if ordered by DSHS.
Permit requests: We provide the following services for students trained through this program: (a nominal fee may apply)
- Replace lost or stolen permits, and issue replacement permits for individuals who change their name,
- Upgrade a Class 13 permit to a Class 12 permit when you turn 21, and
- Resend permits returned by the post office.
Indemnification: You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Cheryl's Last Call and any of its trainers for any and all claims, demands, losses, causes of action, damage, lawsuits, judgments, including attorneys' fees and costs, arising out of or relating to the information provided by this course and the permit received at the end of this course.
System requirements: Check our system requirements before you start the course and refer back to them should you have any issues during the course.
Communications: By utilizing our training, you acknowledge that we will use email and/or text messaging to communicate with you.
By enrolling in this course, you are acknowledging that you have read, understand and agree with all elements of the above Enrollment Agreement.
You may also want to review our Privacy Policy.