Acceptable ID's for Age Verification - Washington State
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Selling alcohol to a minor (under 21 years of age) in Washington State is considered a Gross Misdemeanor. Alcohol servers with alcohol server permits should be very careful when serving "youthful" looking individuals – anyone who appears to be under the age of 30. While there are certain ID's that are considered "Unacceptable Forms of ID" for age verification, the following forms of ID CAN be Accepted for verifying age in the State of Washington.
Acceptable forms of ID for the service of alcohol in Washington State are: See Samples
- Drivers license, Instruction permit, or ID card issued by any US State or Territory, the District of Columbia, or any Canadian province.
Note: for Washington State ID's this would include Regular and Enhanced. The new Temporary license will not include a photo or signature, unless it’s a Commercial Driver License. Therefore, the new temporary license by itself is not acceptable to purchase alcohol. If combined with an expired valid ID with a photograph, it may be accepted. - US Armed Forces ID card (encrypted signature acceptable) Sample
- Merchant Marine ID card (issued by the US Coast Guard) Sample
- Official Passport (includes the United States of America Passport Card and the NEXUS card) Sample
- Washington State Tribal Enrollment Card (no expiration date required) Samples
See up-to-date list on Liquor and Cannabis Board website.
* Free: Available for your establishment - acceptable ID's pdf
View "Unacceptable Forms of ID"
Who needs a MAST permit in Washington State?
The law says anyone who serves alcohol or supervises the sale and service of alcohol for on-premises consumption is required to have a MAST permit. Based on this law Owners, managers, bartenders and servers will all need a permit. The law also includes grocery store employees or other servers who work where wine tastings are held.
Do we have to accept ID's that are on the "Acceptable" list?
House policies should dictate which of the acceptable forms of ID an establishment will accept or not accept.
What does the new Washington State ID's look like?
See sample: New Washington State ID's
How do I know if an out-of-state ID is any good?
Proper use of an ID Checking Guide will help reduce fraud.
IDs are shown in actual size and full color, so no "con artist" can fool you.
Go here to request a current I.D. Checking Guide